Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Scribblings: I use to think....

I use to think that my morning trip to the nearest coffeehouse was based on laziness of not wanting to make it at home anymore. I use to think that when I steered my vehicle to the parking lot in the back of the coffee house that it would be a one time thing. And then, when the next morning came and I did it again, I realized that possibly doing it once may have been what I thought, but, in reality, I could no longer think myself into believing this to be so. A friend of mine use to tell me that I was spending too much money. She also said that if I was to put that money away, at the end of the year I would have $751.90 to add to my bank account.
Well. This is what I think. If all I do is have one mild Venti each morning, then I'm doing OK. How bout u?
PS- Check out this blogspot for more....


Roan said...

It isn't cheap, but it sure is tasty. BJ

Linda Jacobs said...

We have to have some pleasures! And you are worth it, right? I don't spend money on coffee but get me near a bookstore and watch out!

Karen Travels said...

Glad that you have already written for Sunday Scribblings! I use to write every week. Maybe I will get back into it...but I love have just a photoblog for now

Tumblewords: said...

If you enjoy it, it's worth it! And so are you!! Nice post!

susan said...

I think we're entitled to one or two indulgences. Nice job.

Overeducated Twit said...

That's about my stance--I figure coffee is the worst vice I have going, which isn't too bad at all.